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Cover of Don Parry's Preserved in Translation
President Russell M. Nelson has said, “Because the Book of Mormon is a translation of a modified Hebrew language, it contains many Hebraisms.” 1 A new book by Dr. Donald W. Parry, Preserved in Translation: Hebrew and Other Ancient Literary Forms in the Book of Mormon (Deseret Book and BYU Religious Studies Center) provides numerous examples that support this claim. For more than 25...
Photo of gold nuggets by James St. John. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
Alma 11 contains an intriguing story of a lawyer named Zeezrom and his contention with Amulek and Alma. However, this chapter starts off with a seemingly confusing and misplaced list of the Nephite monetary system. With names like antion, senine, ezrom, onti, readers may wonder why this list exists at all. Mormon’s explanation of the Nephite monetary system might illuminate several points of...
Digital Paintings of Enos, Jarom, Omni, and Words of Mormon by Normandy Poulter and the BYU Virtual Scriptures Group.
Cross-posted from Studio et Quoque Fide. This week for Come, Follow Me , we study the short series of books filling in the gap between Nephi and Jacob (both members of the founding generation of Nephites) and King Benjamin (who reigned about 476 years after Lehi left Jerusalem). Naturally, we would all love to have more information about this period in between. It’s impossible...
Book of Mormon Names Header Image
One of the best ways to test the Book of Mormon’s historical authenticity is to look at its names. Each of its unique names has now been looked at by scholars with linguistic training. It turns out that a good number of them have plausible links with words or names in ancient Near Eastern languages, especially with Hebrew and Egyptian. Some of its names are even attested very close to Lehi’s day...