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Scripture Block
Acts 6–9
July 8 – 14. “What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?”

Reading Materials
Lynne Wilson, “Acts 6–9,” Come Follow Me: The New Testament, 2019.
Martyrdom of Stephen
- “Stephen, the Martyr,” Liahona (May 1987).
- Paul E. Dahl, “Godhead,” Encyclopedia of Mormonism.
- Brett D. MacDonald and David L. Paulsen, “Joseph Smith and the Social Trinity: An Analysis and Defense of the Social Model of the Godhead,” BYU Journal of Undergraduate Research (September 11, 2013).
- David L. Paulsen and Ari D. Bruening, “The Social Model of the Trinity in 3 Nephi,” in Third Nephi (2012).
- Danel W. Bachman, “Joseph Smith, a True Martyr,” in Joseph Smith: The Prophet, the Man (1993).
- Neal A. Maxwell, "Willing to Submit" General Conference April 1985.
Conversion of Paul
- J. Philip Schaeling, “Paul,” Encyclopedia of Mormonism.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Waiting on the Road to Damascus", General Conference April 2011
- Spencer W. Kimball, “Always a Convert Church: Some Lessons to Learn and Apply this Year,” Ensign (September 1975).
- Jeffrey R. Holland, “Remember How You Felt,” New Era (August 2004).
- Dallin H. Oaks, “Witnesses of Christ,” Ensign (November 1990).
- C. Wilfred Griggs, “Paul: The Long Road from Damascus,” Ensign (September 1975).
- Hartman Rector, Jr., “That Process Called Conversion,” Ensign (September 1975).
- Robert J. Matthew, “Saul of Tarsus: Chosen for a Special Need,” Ensign (September 1987).
- Chruch News, "Viewpoint: Yeilding Our Hearts to God" ,
- Anne C. Pingree, "Knowing the Lord’s Will for You", General Conference October 2015

John W. Welch, “Comparing Conversions—Paul and Alma,” Charting the New Testament, 15-7.
John W. Welch, “Evidences of Paul's Wealthy Background,” Charting the New Testament, 15-5.
John W. Welch, “Paul, a Citizen of Three Worlds,” Charting the New Testament, 15-1.
John W. Welch, “Paul's Basic Theology,” Charting the New Testament, 12-6.
John W. Welch, “Miracles in Acts,” Charting the New Testament, 13-11.