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Scripture Block
Acts 16–21
July 22-28. “The Lord Had Called Us for to Preach the Gospel”
Reading Materials
Lynne Hilton Wilson, "Acts 16–21," Come Follow Me: The New Testament, 2019.
Eric D. Huntsman, “‘The Wisdom of Men’: Greek Philosophy, Corinthian Behavior, and the Teachings of Paul,” Shedding Light on the New Testament: Acts–Revelation, ed. Ray L. Huntington, Frank F. Judd Jr., and David M. Whitchurch (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009), 67–97.
Kevin R. Duncan, “The Sacred Roles of the Holy Ghost,” Ensign October 2014.
Dallin H. Oaks, “Sharing the Restored Gospel,” General Conference October 2016.
David A. Bednar, “Come and See,” General Conference October 2014.
Neil L. Anderson, “A Witness of God,” General Conference October 2016.
Mervyn B. Arnold, “To the Rescue: We Can Do It,” General Conference April 2016.
Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, “Hastening the Lord's Game Plan!” General Conference October 2013.
Dallin H. Oaks, "Sharing the Gospel," General Conference October 2001 .
D. Todd Christofferson, "Why We Share the Gospel," Ensign August 2014.
Stephanie J. Burns and Darcie Jensen, "Sharing the Gospel by Sharing You," Liahona September 2012.
Elder Paul B. Pieper "Be Brave and Share," Friend December 2017. (Children)
Activity: "I Will Share the Gospel with All of God Children," Friend October 2013.
Activity: "I Can Be a Missionary Now," (Cut-out ) Friend July 2008.

John W. Welch, “Chronology of the New Testament Era,” Charting the New Testament, 13-1.