Join us this year for Book of Mormon Day 2017
Book of Mormon Day commemorates the day that the first edition of the Book of Mormon was published in English on March 26, 1830. Since then the Book of Mormon has been translated into 110 languages, and more than 170 million copies have been printed. Mormons believe that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are complementary books of scripture, both testifying of the mission and Messiahship of Jesus Christ and God’s plan for mankind.
Book of Mormon Day YSA Fireside
The Jordan Institute is hosting this year's Book of Mormon day fireside on March 20, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Renowned Book of Mormon scholar John W. Welch will speak on the Book of Mormon as your answer to life's questions.
For more information, click the link here.
2nd Annual Book of Mormon Central Art Contest
Submit your Book of Mormon art to our art contest for a chance to win cash prizes in celebration of Book of Mormon Day 2017.
For more information, visit our Art Contest page here.
Share on Social Media
Because this year commemorates the 187th year since the publication of the Book of Mormon, we want to flood the earth with the Book of Mormon on March 26. Share a picture of yourself with the Book of Mormon on social media, describing why you love the Book of Mormon. Be sure to use the hasthag #bomday187 !