We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Book of Mormon Central Art Contest.
First Place
Feel the Prints of the Nails in My Hand by Erica Stenkrona
In my painting I wanted to explore what it would be like to be present at the Savior´s visit in Zarahemla (3 Nephi 11:14) The painting shows the moment just before the young woman feels the prints of the nails in His hand. I used my daughter and husband as models. I was influenced by the renaissance art I saw in the Uffizis in Firence. The medium is wax crayons on grey mat board and imitation gold leaves. The original piece is 45cm x 45 cm.
Between 2013-2017, Erica studied drawing and painting in an art studio, concentrating on portraiture. She has an exhibition scheduled at the Rome Temple Visitor´s center in September 2020. Besides portraits she is planning to do more "gospel art" and to write and illustrate children's picture books.
Second Place
He Healed Them All, Every One by Gary Kapp
One of the most poignant moments in the Book of Mormon happened in 3 Nephi when Christ perceived the desires of the people that He tarry a little longer. Sensing their desire He invited them to bring their sick and afflicted to Him and He "healed them every one".
Gary Kapp began illustrating for the Church in 1963 at the BYU Graphic art department. Since then he has worked as an illustrator for the LDS Seminaries and Institutes, BYU motion picture studio, and Church Magazines. After 13 years, he began painting for major galleries, private commissions, temples and special projects.
Third Place
They Did Make All Manner of Cloth by Israel Trejo
This painting is based on Helaman 6:13. Israel Trejo Huerta was born on May 1, 1989 in Delicias Chihuahua city in northern Mexico but grew up in a town called Meoqui for which he always had great appreciation and love for nature, culture and indigenous peoples.
During his childhood he won a painting contest at the national level at only 5 years old. He began to develop the ability to draw; however, there wasn't much opportunity for artistic education in his town, so he developed his talents independently. When he returned from his full-time mission he studied at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Chihuahua. During his five years there, he discovered his love of painting. Since then he has participated in both national and regional exhibitions.
He is now happily married with a child of just 1 year old. He enjoys his work an art instructor. Much of his art focuses on his personal principles and beliefs, which is why his goal is to reach thousands of homes with his paintings and to help preach the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
View the 2020 Art Contest Gallery in the BMC Archive
Honorable Mention
Youth Division
About the Contest
Submission deadline: Sunday, May 31, at 11:59 p.m.
While hundreds of artists throughout the years have masterfully depicted scenes from the Book of Mormon, there are still dozens of Book of Mormon tales that need their stories told through visual art. Help Book of Mormon Central illuminate the Book of Mormon by submitting your art of the Book of Mormon’s unsung heros and stories. Your art may be selected to illustrate the Book of Mormon in the popular ScripturePlus app.
First Place: $500
Second Place: $350
Third Place: $200
Submission Deadline: Sunday, May 31, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
Winner Announcement: We will announce this year's winners at the 2020 FairMormon Conference, August 5–7.
Contest Theme
In our quest to cultivate artwork of the Book of Mormon's rich narratives, we request that artists focus their artwork on themes and stories in the second half of the Book of Mormon (Alma 31-Moroni 10). This commission includes stories from Alma's ministry, the "war chapters," Christ's ministry in the Americas, the Jaredite narratives, the final destruction of the Nephite civilization, and more. While not required, we would appreciate artists of all ages and skill levels to try their hand at depicting some aspect of these chapters. We hope that you can help us fill the entire Book of Mormon with beautiful images that illuminate the mind and spirit.
Eligibility and General Rules
- This contest is open to anyone 12 years and up (Youth prizes are available).
- Media may include painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, mixed media, and more. This contest excludes poetry, artistic performance, and music.
- Multiple entries per artist are allowed, but each piece of art must me made in separate form submissions.
- Participants must submit a high-quality scan or photograph of their artwork for digital submission. 3-dimensional works of art should be submitted with multiple photographs from different angles.
Winners are selected on the basis of artistic merit and innovation by a selection of third-party judges from local museums and the art community.