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Genesis 12–17; Abraham 1–2
Book of Abraham Resources
Bible Central Chapter Guides
Daily Reading Plan
- Daily Verse: Abraham 1:1–2
- Video: Casey Paul Griffiths, Abraham's Origin Story (Abraham 1)
- Scripture: Abraham 1
- Daily Verse: Genesis 12:1–3
- Video: John Hilton III, The Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12; Abraham 2)
- Scripture: Genesis 12:1–9
- Scripture: Abraham 2:1–20
- Scripture: Genesis 12:10–20
- Scripture: Abraham 2:21–25
- Daily Verse: Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Old Testament Minute, The Abrahamic Test of Sarah (Genesis 12:10–20).
- Daily Verse: Genesis 13:12
- Video: Marianna Richardson, Where Do We Pitch Our Tents? (Genesis 13-14)
- Scripture: Genesis 13
- Scripture: Genesis 14:1–16
- Daily Verse: Genesis 15:17
- Video: Taylor Halverson, God's Covenant to Us (Genesis 15)
- Scripture: Genesis 14:17–24
- Scripture: Genesis 15
Further Reading
- Daily Verse: Genesis 14:18-19
- Video: Taylor Halverson, What Does Melchizedek Mean? (Genesis 14)
- Daily Verse: Genesis 16:1–2
- Video: Lynne Hilton Wilson, Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar (Genesis 16)
- Scripture: Genesis 16
- Daily Verse: Genesis 17:1
- Video: Jasmin Gimenez Rappleye, Abraham’s and Sarah’s New Names and Covenant Tokens (Genesis 17)
- Scripture: Genesis 17
Genesis 12
Taylor Halverson, “The Lives of Abraham: Seeing Abraham through the Eyes of Second-Temple Jews,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 32 (2019): 253–276.
Taylor Halverson, “Was Adam a Monotheist? A Reflection on Why We Call Abraham Father and Not Adam,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 31 (2019): 245–258.
Victor L. Ludlow, “The Scattering and Gathering of Israel: God’s Covenant with Abraham Remembered through the Ages,” in Window of Faith: Latter-day Saint Perspectives on World History, ed. Roy A. Prete (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005), 97–120.
Thomas W. Mackay, “Abraham in Egypt: A Collation of Evidence for the Case of the Missing Wife,” BYU Studies 10, no. 4 (1970).
Monte S. Nyman, “The Covenant of Abraham,” in The Pearl of Great Price: Revelations from God, ed. H. Donl Peterson and Charles D. Tate Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989), 155–170.
Avram Shannon, “Beth-el,” in Old Testament Cultural Insights, ed. Taylor Halverson (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022).
Avram Shannon, “Names and Covenants: Abraham and Sarah,” in Old Testament Cultural Insights, ed. Taylor Halverson (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022).
Avram Shannon, “Slavery,” in Old Testament Cultural Insights, ed. Taylor Halverson (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022).
Stephen O. Smoot, “‘In the Land of the Chaldeans’: The Search for Abraham’s Homeland Revisited,” BYU Studies 56, no. 3 (2017): 6–37.
Gaye Strathearn, “The Wife/Sister Experience: Pharaoh’s Introduction to Jehovah,” in Sperry Symposium Classics: The Old Testament, ed. Paul Y. Hoskisson (Provo and Salt Lake City: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, and Deseret Book 2005), 100–116.
Genesis 13
RoseAnn Benson, “Reexamining Lot,” Religious Educator 14, no. 1 (2013): 59–81.
Victor L. Ludlow, “The Scattering and Gathering of Israel: God’s Covenant with Abraham Remembered through the Ages,” in Window of Faith: Latter-day Saint Perspectives on World History, ed. Roy A. Prete (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005), 97–120.
Genesis 14
RoseAnn Benson, “Reexamining Lot,” Religious Educator 14, no. 1 (2013): 59–81.
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Did Alma Talk about Melchizedek? (Alma 13:14),” KnoWhy 120 (June 13, 2016).
David M. Calabro, “Understanding Ritual Hand Gestures of the Ancient World: Some Basic Tools,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 37 (2020): 293–308.
Judd, Frank F. Jr., “Melchizedek: Seeing After the Zion of Enoch,” in Sperry Symposium Classics: The Old Testament, ed. Paul Y. Hoskisson (Provo and Salt Lake City: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, and Deseret Book 2005), 69–82.
Victor L. Ludlow, “The Scattering and Gathering of Israel: God’s Covenant with Abraham Remembered through the Ages,” in Window of Faith: Latter-day Saint Perspectives on World History, ed. Roy A. Prete (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005), 97–120.
Avram Shannon, “Shinar,” in Old Testament Cultural Insights, ed. Taylor Halverson (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2022).
John W. Welch, “The Melchizedek Material in Alma 13:13–19,” in By Study and Also by Faith, 2 vols., ed. John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks (Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah: Deseret Book and FARMS, 1990), 2:238–272.
Genesis 15
Book of Mormon Central, “How Can We Receive the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant? (3 Nephi 20:25),” KnoWhy 408 (February 15, 2018).
Victor L. Ludlow, “The Scattering and Gathering of Israel: God’s Covenant with Abraham Remembered through the Ages,” in Window of Faith: Latter-day Saint Perspectives on World History, ed. Roy A. Prete (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005), 97–120.
Jared T. Parker, “Cutting Covenants,” in The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, The 38th Annual BYU Sidney B. Sperry Symposium (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009), 109–128.
Genesis 16
Matthew L. Bowen, “’If Ye Will Hearken’: Lehi’s Rhetorical Wordplay on Ishmael in 2 Nephi 1:28–29 and Its Implications,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 25 (2017): 157–189.
Andrew C. Smith, “Hagar in LDS Scripture and Thought,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 8 (2014): 87–137.
Genesis 17
Book of Mormon Central, “How Can We Receive the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant? (3 Nephi 20:25),” KnoWhy 408 (February 15, 2018).
Book of Mormon Central, “How Did Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Authors Use Chiasmus? (Alma 34:9),” KnoWhy 340 (July 16, 2017).
Michael A. Goodman, “The Abrahamic Covenant: A Foundational Theme for the Old Testament,” Religious Educator 4, no. 3 (2003): 43–53.
Bruce H. Porter and Stephen D. Ricks, “Names in Antiquity: Old, New, and Hidden,” in By Study and Also By Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley (Salt Lake City, FARMS, 1990).
Book of Abraham
Clark, E. Douglas. "Cedars and Stars: Enduring Symbols of Cosmic Kingship in Abraham's Encounter with Pharaoh." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 37-55. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Clark, E. Douglas. “Armenian Apocrypha Relating to Abraham,” BYU Studies Quarterly 53, no. 2 (2014): 173–179.
Cook, Bradley J. “The Book of Abraham and the Islamic Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) Extant Literature,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 33, no. 4 (Winter 2000): 127–146.
Evans, John Henry. “Bishop Spalding’s Jumps in the Logical Process,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 343–346.
Freedman, David Noel. “The Ebla Tablets and the Abraham Tradition,” in Reflections on Mormonism: Judaeo-Christian Parallels, ed. Truman G. Madsen (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1978), 67–78.
Gee, John. An Introduction to the Book of Abraham (Salt Lake City and Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2017).
Gee, John. “Abraham and Idrimi,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 1 (2013): 34–39.
Haggerty, Charles Edward. “A Study of the Book of Abraham,” MA thesis, Brigham Young University, 1946.
Halverson, Taylor. “The Lives of Abraham: Seeing Abraham Through the Eyes of Second-Temple Jews,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 32 (2019): 253–276.
Hauglid, Brian M.. "The Book of Abraham and Muslim Tradition." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 131-146. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Matthews, Robert J. “Whose Apocrypha? Viewing Ancient Apocrypha from the Vantage of Events in the Present Dispensation,” in Apocryphal Writings and the Latter-day Saints, ed. C. Wilfred Griggs (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1986), 1–18.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Approaching Understandings in the Book of Abraham,” FARMS Review 18, no. 2 (2006): 229–246.
Nelson, Nels L. “An Open Letter to Bishop Spalding,” Improvement Era, April 1913, 603–610.
Nibley, Hugh. An Approach to the Book of Abraham (Provo, UT: FARMS, 2009).
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 1: Challenge and Response,” Improvement Era, January 1968, 18–25.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 1: Challenge and Response (Continued),” Improvement Era, February 1968, 14–21.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 1: Challenge and Response (Continued),” Improvement Era, March 1968, 16–22.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 1: Challenge and Response (Continued),” Improvement Era, April 1968, 64–69.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 2: May We See Your Credentials?” Improvement Era, May 1968, 54–57.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 2: May We See Your Credentials? (Continued),” Improvement Era, June 1968, 18–22.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 3: Empaneling the Panel,” Improvement Era, July 1968, 48–55.
Nibley, Hugh. “[Part 4:] Second String,” Improvement Era, August 1968, 53–64.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 9: Setting the Stage – The World of Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, January 1970, 56–65.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 10: The Sacrifice of Isaac,” Improvement Era, March 1970, 84–94.
Nibley, Hugh. “Conclusion: Taking Stock,” Improvement Era, May 1970, 82–94.
Pack, Frederick J. “An Offshoot of the Spalding Argument,” Improvement Era, June 1913, 778–779.
Pack, Frederick J. “Dr. Pack to Dr. Peters,” Improvement Era, June 1913, 777–778.
Pack, Frederick J. “The Spalding Argument,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 333–341.
Pack, Frederick J. “An Open Question to Dr. Spalding,” Improvement Era, May 1913, 702–704.
Roberts, B. H. “A Plea in Bar of Final Conclusions,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 309–325.
Russell, Isaac. “Joseph Smith as a Translator: A Further Discussion of Bishop F.S. Spalding’s Pamphlet,” Improvement Era, September 1913, 1092–1099.
Sjodahl, Janne M. “A Final Word,” Improvement Era, September 1913, 1100–1105.
Sjodahl, Janne M. “The Book of Abraham,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 326–333.
Skinner, Andrew C. “The Book of Abraham: A Most Remarkable Book,” Ensign, March 1997, 16–22.
Smith, Joseph F. “Editor’s Table: ‘Joseph Smith Jr., as a Translator’,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 378–380.
Talmage, Sterling B. “‘The Sacred Books of the ‘Mormons”: A Letter and a ‘Protest Against Misrepresentation’,” Improvement Era, June 1913, 770–776.
Webb, Robert C. “Truth Seeking: Its Symptoms and After Effects,” Improvement Era, September 1913, 1075–1091.
Webb, Robert C. “‘Joseph Smith, Jr. as a Translator’,” Improvement Era, May 1913, 691–702.
Wells, Junius F. “Scholars Disagree,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 341–343.
Wernick, Nissim. “A Critical Analysis of the Book of Abraham in the Light of Extra-Canonical Jewish Writings,” PhD diss., Brigham Young University, 1968, online at
Widtsoe, John A. “Dr. Widtsoe’s Reply to Rev. Spalding,” Improvement Era, April 1913, 616–619.
Widtsoe, John A. “Comments on the Spaulding Pamphlet,” Improvement Era, March 1913, 454–460.
Widtsoe, Osborne. “The Unfair Fairness of Rev. Spalding,” Improvement Era, April 1913, 593–603.
Young, Levi Edgar. “‘The Book of the Dead’,” Improvement Era, February 1913, 346–348.
Young, Richard W. “Scientists Not Always Correct,” Improvement Era, March 1913, 460–466.
Baer, Klaus. “The Breathing Permit of Hôr: A Translation of the Apparent Source of the Book of Abraham,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3, no. 3 (Autumn 1968): 109–134.
Barney, Quinten. “The Joseph Smith Papyri and the Writings of Joseph of Egypt,” Journal of Mormon History 42, no. 2 (April 2016): 95–109.
“Book of Abraham Translation,” Church History Topics, online at
Brown, Samuel. “Joseph (Smith) in Egypt: Babel, Hieroglyphs, and the Pure Language of Eden,” Church History 78, no. 1 (2009): 26–65.
Clark, James R. “Joseph Smith and the Lebolo Egyptian Papyri,” BYU Studies 8, no. 2 (1968): 195–203.
Gee, John. “Abraham in Ancient Egyptian Texts,” Ensign, July 1992, 60–62.
Gee, John. “Fantasy and Reality in the Translation of the Book of Abraham,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 42 (2021): 127–170.
Gee, John. “Prolegomena to a Study of the Egyptian Alphabet Documents in the Joseph Smith Papers,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 42 (2021): 77–98.
Gee, John. “Joseph Smith and Ancient Egypt,” in Approaching Antiquity: Joseph Smith and the Ancient World, edited by Lincoln H. Blumell, Matthew J. Grey, and Andrew H. Hedges (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2015), 427–48.
Gee, John. “A Tragedy of Errors,” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 4, no. 1 (1992): 93–119.
Gee, John. “Formulas and Faith,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 21, no. 1 (2012): 60–65.
Gee, John. “Some Puzzles from the Joseph Smith Papyri,” FARMS Review 20, no. 1 (2008): 113–137, esp. 123–135.
Gee, John. “New Light on the Joseph Smith Papyri,” FARMS Review 19, no. 2 (2007): 245–259.
Gee, John. A Guide to the Joseph Smith Papyri (Provo, UT: FARMS, 2000).
Gee, John and Stephen D. Ricks. “Historical Plausibility: The Historicity of the Book of Abraham as a Case Study,” in Historicity and the Latter-day Saint Scriptures, ed. Paul Y. Hoskisson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2001), 63–98.
Gee, John. “Eyewitness, Hearsay, and Physical Evidence of the Joseph Smith Papyri,” in The Disciple as Witness: Essays on Latter-day Saint History and Doctrine in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, ed. Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry, and Andrew H. Hedges (Provo, UT: FARMS, 2000), 175–217.
Gee, John. “The Ancient Owners of the Joseph Smith Papyri,” FARMS Report (1999).
Gee, John. “A History of the Joseph Smith Papyri and Book of Abraham,” FARMS Report (1999).
Grey, Matthew J. “‘The Word of the Lord in the Original’: Joseph Smith’s Study of Hebrew in Kirtland,” in Approaching Antiquity: Joseph Smith and the Ancient World, edited by Lincoln H. Blumell, Matthew J. Grey, and Andrew H. Hedges (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2015), 249–302.
Hauglid, Brian M, ed. A Textual History of the Book of Abraham: Manuscripts and Editions (Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2010).
Hedges, Andrew H.. "A Wanderer in a Strange Land: Abraham in America, 1800-1850." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 175-187. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Jensen, Robin Scott and Brian M. Hauglid, eds. The Joseph Smith Papers, Revelations and Translations, Volume 4: Book of Abraham and Related Manuscripts (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church Historian’s Press, 2018).
Lindsay, Jeff. “A Precious Resource with Some Gaps,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 33 (2019): 13–104.
Morris, Larry E. “The Book of Abraham: Ask the Right Questions and Keep On Looking,” FARMS Review 16, no. 2 (2004): 355–380.
Moyer, Jonathan. “The Jewish Origin of the Book of Abraham,” online at
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Papyri and Presumptions: A Careful Examination of the Eyewitness Accounts Associated with the Joseph Smith Papyri,” Journal of Mormon History 42, no. 4 (October 2016): 31–50.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Joseph Smith and Egyptian Artifacts: A Model for Evaluating the Prophetic Nature of the Prophet’s Ideas about the Ancient World,” BYU Studies Quarterly 55, no. 3 (2016): 35–82.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Joseph Smith’s Biblical View of Egypt,” in Approaching Antiquity: Joseph Smith and the Ancient World, edited by Lincoln H. Blumell, Matthew J. Grey, and Andrew H. Hedges (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2015), 449–73.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “The Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith, Revelation, and You,” BYU-Hawaii Devotional, online at
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Egyptian Papyri and the Book of Abraham: A Faithful, Egyptological Point of View,” in No Weapon Shall Prosper: New Light on Sensitive Issues, ed. Robert L. Millet (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 217–43.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Egyptian Papyri and the Book of Abraham: Some Questions and Answers,” Religious Educator 11, no. 1 (2010): 90–106.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Assessing the Joseph Smith Papyri: An Introduction to the Historiography of their Acquisitions, Translations, and Interpretations,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 22 (2016): 17–49.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “The Religious and Cultural Background of Joseph Smith Papyrus I,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 1 (2013): 20–33.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “The Book of Breathings in Its Place,” FARMS Review 17, no. 2 (2005): 471–486.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Prelude to the Pearl: Sweeping Events Leading to the Discovery of the Book of Abraham,” in Prelude to the Restoration: From Apostasy to the Restored Church (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2004), 130–41.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Egypt in the Bible,” Religious Educator 11, no. 3 (2010): 79–93.
Muhlestein, Kerry and Alexander L. Baugh. “Preserving the Joseph Smith Papyri Fragments: What Can We Learn From the Paper on Which the Papyri Were Mounted?” Journal of Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 66–83.
Muhlestein, Kerry and Megan Hansen, “‘The Work of Translating’: The Book of Abraham’s Translation Chronology,” in Let Us Reason Together: Essays in Honor of the Life’s Work of Robert L. Millett, ed. J. Spencer Fluhman and Brent L. Top (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center and Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University, 2016), 139–162.
Nibley, Hugh. “Approach to John Gee, Guide to the Joseph Smith Papyri,” FARMS Review 13, no. 2 (2001): 63–64.
Nibley, Hugh. “The Meaning of the Kirtland Egyptian Papers,” BYU Studies 11, no. 4 (Summer 1971): 350–399.
Nibley, Hugh. “What is The Book of Breathings?” BYU Studies 11, no. 2 (Winter 1971): 153-187.
Nibley, Hugh. “As Things Stand at the Moment,” BYU Studies 9, no. 1 (1969): 69–102.
Nibley, Hugh. “Getting Ready to Begin: An Editorial,” BYU Studies 8, no. 3 (1968): 245–254.
Nibley, Hugh. “Prolegomena to Any Study of the Book of Abraham,” BYU Studies 8, no. 2 (1968): 171–178.
Nibley, Hugh. “The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri: Phase One,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3, no. 2 (Summer 1968): 99–105.
Olson, Eric Jay. “For Whom Did Abraham Write the Book of Abraham?” Ensign, June 1982, 35–36.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus,” Book of Abraham Insight 23 (December 11, 2019).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “What Egyptian Papyri Did Joseph Smith Possess?” Book of Abraham Insight 37 (January 29, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The ‘Kirtland Egyptian Papers’ and the Book of Abraham,” Book of Abraham Insight 38 (January 29, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “How Did Joseph Smith Translate the Book of Abraham?” Book of Abraham Insight 39 (January 30, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Relationship Between the Book of Abraham and the Joseph Smith Papyri,” Book of Abraham Insight 40 (January 31, 2020).
Peterson, Daniel C. “News from Antiquity,” Ensign, January 1994, 16–21.
Peterson, H. Donl. “Antonio Lebolo: Excavator of the Book of Abraham,” BYU Studies 31, no. 3 (1991): 5–25.
Peterson, H. Donl. “Book of Abraham,” in The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, 4 Vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 1:132–134.
Peterson, H. Donl . “Translation and Publication of the Book of Abraham,” in The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, 4 Vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 1:134.
Peterson, H. Donl. “Sacred Writings from the Tombs of Egypt,” in The Pearl of Great Price: Revelations from God edited by H. Donl Pererson and Charles D. Tate. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, 1989).
Rhodes, Michael D. “The Book of Abraham: Divinely Inspired Scripture,” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 4, no. 1 (1992): 120–126.
Rhodes, Michael D. “Studies About the Book of Abraham,” in The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, 4 Vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 1:137–138.
Sandberg, Karl C. “Knowing Brother Joseph Again: The Book of Abraham and Joseph Smith as Translator,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 22, no. 4 (Winter 1989): 17–37.
Smoot, Stephen O. “‘From the Catecombs of Egypt’: Latter-day Saint Engagement with Ancient Egypt and the Contest of Religious Identity,” Journal of Mormon History 46, no. 4 (Fall 2020): 1–44.
Smoot, Stephen O. and Quinten Barney, “The Book of the Dead as a Temple Text and the Implications for the Book of Abraham,” in The Temple: Ancient and Restored, ed. Stephen D. Ricks and Donald W. Parry, Temple on Mount Zion Series 3 (Orem, UT: Interpreter Foundation and Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2016), 183–209.
Thompson, John S. “‘We May Not Understand Our Words’:
The Book of Abraham and the Concept of Translation in The Pearl of Greatest Price,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 41 (2020): 1–48.
Thompson, Stephen E. “Contents of the Book of Abraham,” in The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, 4 Vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 1:135.
Todd, Jay M. “New Light on Joseph Smith’s Egyptian Papyri,” Improvement Era, February 1968, 40–49.
Todd, Jay M. “Egyptian Papyri Rediscovered,” Improvement Era, January 1968, 12–16.
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Todd, Jay M. The Saga of the Book of Abraham (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1969).
Tvedtnes, John A. “Abrahamic Lore in Support of the Book of Abraham,” FARMS Report (1999).
Walton, Michael T. “Professor Seixas, the Hebrew Bible, and the Book of Abraham,” Sunstone, March–April 1981, 41–43.
Whipple, Walter L. “An Analysis of Textual Changes in ‘The Book of Abraham’ and in the ‘Writings of Joseph Smith, the Prophet’ in the Pearl of Great Price,” MA thesis, Brigham Young University, 1959.
Wilcox, Matthew Porter. “The Coming Forth of the Book of Abraham,” in The Restoration and History of the Church, BYU Religious Education 2009 Student Symposium (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young Unversity, 2009), 105–121.
Wilson, John A. “The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri: Translations and Interpretations: A Summary Report,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3, no. 2 (Summer 1968): 67–85.
Zucker, Louis C. “Joseph Smith as a Student of Hebrew,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 3, no. 2 (Summer 1968): 41–55.
Abraham 1
Abraham 1:1
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham,” Improvement Era, January 1969, 26–33.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, April 1969, 66–72.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Abraham and Idrimi,” Book of Abraham Insight 1 (August 1, 2019).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Ur of the Chaldees,” Book of Abraham Insight 4 (August 2, 2019).
Smoot, Stephen O. “‘In the Land of the Chaldeans’: The Search for Abraham’s Homeland Revisited,” BYU Studies Quarterly 56, no. 3 (2017): 7–37.
Abraham 1:2
Lane, Jennifer C.. "The Redemption of Abraham." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 167-174. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Abraham 1:3
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Chiasmus in the Book of Abraham,” Book of Abraham Insight 24 (December 19, 2019).
Abraham 1:6
Barney, Kevin. “On Elkenah as Canaanite El,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 19, no. 1 (2010): 22–35.
Barney, Quinten. “Sobek: The Idolatrous God of Pharaoh Amenemhet III,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 22–27.
Gee, John. “Four Idolatrous Gods in the Book of Abraham,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 38 (2020): 133-152.
Gee, John. “The Crocodile God of Pharaoh in Mesopotamia,” Insights, October 1996, 2.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Idolatrous God of Elkenah,” Book of Abraham Insight 6 (August 15, 2019).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Sobek, The God of Pharaoh,” Book of Abraham Insight 7 (August 21, 2019).
Abraham 1:7–14
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, February 1969, 64–67.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, March 1969, 76–84.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Human Sacrifice,” Book of Abraham Insight 2 (August 1, 2019).
Abraham 1:9
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Shinehah, The Sun,” Book of Abraham Insight 16 (October 23, 2019).
Abraham 1:10
Gee, John. “Has Olishem Been Discovered?” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 104–107.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Plain of Olishem,” Book of Abraham Insight 3 (August 1, 2019).
Abraham 1:12–14
Adams, William James Jr. “Human Sacrifice and the Book of Abraham,” BYU Studies 9, no. 4 (Summer 1969): 473–480.
Barney, Kevin. “On Elkenah as Canaanite El,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 19, no. 1 (2010): 22–35.
Barney, Quinten. “Sobek: The Idolatrous God of Pharaoh Amenemhet III,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 22–27.
Gee, John. “Four Idolatrous Gods in the Book of Abraham,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 38 (2020): 133-152.
Gee, John. “The Crocodile God of Pharaoh in Mesopotamia,” Insights, October 1996, 2.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Sacred Violence: When Ancient Egyptian Punishment was Dressed in Ritual Trappings,” Near Eastern Archaeology 78, no. 4 (2015): 244-251.
Muhlestein, Kerry and John Gee. “An Egyptian Context for the Sacrifice of Abraham,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 20, no. 2 (2011): 70–77.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 6: Facsimile No. 1, A Unique Document,” Improvement Era, November 1968, 36–44.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 6: Facsimile No. 1, A Unique Document (Continued),” Improvement Era, December 1968, 28–33.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 8: Facsimile No. 1, by the Figures (Continued),” Improvement Era, August 1969, 75–87.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 8: Facsimile No. 1, by the Figures (Continued),” Improvement Era, September 1969, 85–95.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 8: Facsimile No. 1, by the Figures (Continued),” Improvement Era, October 1969, 85–95.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Ancient Owners of the Joseph Smith Papyri,” Book of Abraham Insight 14 (October 8, 2019).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “What Egyptian Papyri Did Joseph Smith Possess?” Book of Abraham Insight 37 (January 29, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Relationship Between the Book of Abraham and the Joseph Smith Papyri,” Book of Abraham Insight 40 (January 31, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Approaching the Facsimiles,” Book of Abraham Insight 27 (January 6, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene,” Book of Abraham Insight 28 (January 8, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Idolatrous Priest (Facsimile 1, Figure 3),” Book of Abraham Insight 29 (January 10, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Purpose and Function of the Egyptian Hypocephalus,” Book of Abraham Insight 30 (January 13, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Facsimile 3: Judgment Scene vs. Presentation Scene,” Book of Abraham Insight 34 (January 22, 2020).
Abraham 1:17
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Egyptianisms in the Book of Abraham,” Book of Abraham Insight 25 (December 27, 2019).
Abraham 1:18
Book of Mormon Central, “How Can We Receive the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant? (3 Nephi 20:25),” KnoWhy 408 (February 15, 2018).
Abraham 1:22–23
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Zeptah and Egyptes,” Book of Abraham Insight 8 (August 28, 2019).
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Abraham 1:31
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Abraham 2
Benson, RoseAnn. “Reexamining Lot,” Religious Educator 14, no. 1 (2013): 59–81.
Abraham 2:1
Hoskisson, Paul Y.. “Where Was Ur of the Chaldees?,” in The Pearl of Great Price: Revelations from God edited by H. Donl Pererson and Charles D. Tate. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, 1989).
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Abraham 2:6–11
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Goodman, Michael A. “The Abrahamic Covenant: A Foundational Theme for the Old Testament,” Religious Educator 4, no. 3 (2003): 43–53.
Hovorka, Janet. "Sarah and Hagar: Ancient Women of the Abrahamic Covenant." In Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, edited by John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid, 147-166. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Nynam, Monte S. “The Covenant of Abraham,” in The Pearl of Great Price: Revelations from God edited by H. Donl Pererson and Charles D. Tate. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, 1989).
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Wilcox, S. Michael. “The Abrahamic Covenant,” Ensign, January 1998, 42–48.
Abraham 2:21
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Ancient Egyptian View of Abraham,” Book of Abraham Insight 13 (October 3, 2019).
Abraham 2:22–25
Mackay, Thomas W. “Abraham in Egypt: A Collation of Evidence for the Case of the Missing Wife,” BYU Studies 10, no. 4 (Summer 1970): 429–451.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 11: The Sacrifice of Sarah,” Improvement Era, April 1970, 79–95.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Did Abraham lie About His Wife Sarai?” Book of Abraham Insight 5 (August 2, 2019).
Strathearn, Gaye. “The Wife/Sister Experience: Pharaoh’s Introduction to Jehovah” in Sperry Symposium Classics: The Old Testament, ed. Paul Y. Hoskisson (Provo and Salt Lake City: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, and Deseret Book 2005), 100–116.
Book of Abraham Facsimiles
Barney, Kevin. “The Facsimiles and Semitic Adaptation of Existing Sources,” in Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, ed. John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid (Provo, UT: FARMS, 2005), 107–130.
Gee, John. “A Method for Studying the Facsimiles,” FARMS Review 19, no. 1 (2007): 347–353.
Gee, John. “Abracadabra, Isaac, and Jacob,” Review of Books on the Book of Mormon 7, no. 1 (1995): 19–84.
Johnson, Mark J. “Scriptures With Pictures: Methodology, Unexamined Assumptions, and the Study of the Book of Abraham,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 25 (2017): 1–59.
Nibley, Hugh. “What, Exactly, Is the Purpose and Significance of the Facsimiles in the Book of Abraham?” Ensign, March 1976, 34–36.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, May 1969, 87–91.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, June 1969, 126–132.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 7: The Unknown Abraham (Continued),” Improvement Era, July 1969, 97–111.
Ostler, Blake T. “Abraham: An Egyptian Connection,” FARMS Report (1981).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Approaching the Facsimiles,” Book of Abraham Insight 27 (January 6, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Ancient Owners of the Joseph Smith Papyri,” Book of Abraham Insight 14 (October 8, 2019).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “What Egyptian Papyri Did Joseph Smith Possess?” Book of Abraham Insight 37 (January 29, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Relationship Between the Book of Abraham and the Joseph Smith Papyri,” Book of Abraham Insight 40 (January 31, 2020).
Rhodes, Michael D. “Teaching the Book of Abraham Facsimiles,” Religious Educator 4/2 (2003): 115-123.
Rhodes, Michael D. “Facsimiles from the Book of Abraham,” in The Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow, 4 Vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 1:135–137.
Webb, Robert C. “A Critical Examination of the Fac-Similes in the Book of Abraham,” Improvement Era, March 1913, 435–454.
Facsimile 1
Adams, William James Jr. “Human Sacrifice and the Book of Abraham,” BYU Studies 9, no. 4 (Summer 1969): 473–480.
Barney, Kevin. “On Elkenah as Canaanite El,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 19, no. 1 (2010): 22–35.
Barney, Quinten. “Sobek: The Idolatrous God of Pharaoh Amenemhet III,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 22, no. 2 (2013): 22–27.
Gee, John. “Four Idolatrous Gods in the Book of Abraham,” Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship 38 (2020): 133-152.
Gee, John. “The Crocodile God of Pharaoh in Mesopotamia,” Insights, October 1996, 2.
Muhlestein, Kerry. “Sacred Violence: When Ancient Egyptian Punishment was Dressed in Ritual Trappings,” Near Eastern Archaeology 78, no. 4 (2015): 244-251.
Muhlestein, Kerry and John Gee. “An Egyptian Context for the Sacrifice of Abraham,” Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scripture 20, no. 2 (2011): 70–77.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 6: Facsimile No. 1, A Unique Document,” Improvement Era, November 1968, 36–44.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 6: Facsimile No. 1, A Unique Document (Continued),” Improvement Era, December 1968, 28–33.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 8: Facsimile No. 1, by the Figures (Continued),” Improvement Era, August 1969, 75–87.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 8: Facsimile No. 1, by the Figures (Continued),” Improvement Era, September 1969, 85–95.
Nibley, Hugh. “Part 8: Facsimile No. 1, by the Figures (Continued),” Improvement Era, October 1969, 85–95.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene,” Book of Abraham Insight 28 (January 8, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Idolatrous Priest (Facsimile 1, Figure 3),” Book of Abraham Insight 29 (January 10, 2020).
Facsimile 2
Gee, John. “Notes on the Sons of Horus,” FARMS Preliminary Report (1991).
Johnson, Hollis R. “One Day to a Cubit,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 3 (2013): 223–230.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Purpose and Function of the Egyptian Hypocephalus,” Book of Abraham Insight 30 (January 13, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Hathor Cow (Facsimile 2, Figure 5),” Book of Abraham Insight 31 (January 15, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “The Four Sons of Horus (Facsimile 2, Figure 6),” Book of Abraham Insight 32 (January 17, 2020).
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Rhodes, Michael D. “The Joseph Smith Hypocephalus…Twenty Years Later,” FARMS Preliminary Report (1997).
Rhodes, Michael D. “A Translation and Commentary of the Joseph Smith Hypocephalus,” BYU Studies 17, no. 3 (Spring 1977): 259–274.
Facsimile 3
Barney, Quinten. “The Neglected Facsimile: An Examination and Comparative Study of Facsimile No. 3 of The Book of Abraham,” MA thesis, Brigham Young University, 2019.
Gee, John. “Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters,” Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 19 (2016): 383–395.
Gee, John. “Facsimile 3 and Book of the Dead 125,” in Astronomy, Papyrus, and Covenant, ed. John Gee and Brian M. Hauglid (Provo, Utah: FARMS, 2005), 95–105.
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Facsimile 3: Judgment Scene vs. Presentation Scene,” Book of Abraham Insight 34 (January 22, 2020).
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Pearl of Great Price Central, “Isis the Pharaoh (Facsimile 3, Figure 2),” Book of Abraham Insight 36 (January 27, 2020).
Pearl of Great Price Central, “Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters (Facsimile 3, Figure 5),” Book of Abraham Insight 9 (September 3, 2019).