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Doctrine and Covenants 27–28
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Doctrine and Covenants Contexts is a commentary series featuring insights from scholar Steven C. Harper. Restoration Voices is a series by Susan Easton Black.
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Doctrine and Covenants 27
Steven C. Harper, “Section 27,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 56–57.
Matthew J. Grow, “'Thou Art An Elect Lady',” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
“The Rise of the Church of Christ,” Saints, Volume 1: The Standard of Truth (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2018), 1:84–86.
Justin R. Bray, “The Lord's Supper in Early Mormonism,” in You Shall Have My Word: Exploring the Text of the Doctrine and Covenants, ed. Scott C. Esplin, Richard O. Cowan, and Rachel Cope (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2012), 64–74.
Matthew O. Richardson, “Sacramental Connections: Deliverance, Redemption, and Safety (D&C 27),” in You Shall Have My Word: Exploring the Text of the Doctrine and Covenants, ed. Scott C. Esplin, Richard O. Cowan, and Rachel Cope (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2012), 75–91.
D&C 27:2
Book of Mormon Central, “Where did Moroni Get the Sacramental Prayers from? (Moroni 4:1),” KnoWhy 250 (December 12, 2016).
D&C 27:5
Book of Mormon Central, “How Will God Manifest the Truth of the Book of Mormon? (Moroni 10:4),” KnoWhy 254 (December 16, 2016).
Book of Mormon Central, “What Was Mormon’s Purpose in Writing the Book of Mormon? (Mormon 5:14),” KnoWhy 230 (November 14, 2016).
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Is There a Need for the Testimony of Two Nations? (2 Nephi 29:8),” KnoWhy 56 (March 17, 2016).
Book of Mormon Central, “Why Did Moroni Deliver the Plates on September 22? (Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith),” KnoWhy 193 (September 22, 2016).
D&C 27:8–10
Book of Mormon Central, “How Can We Receive the Blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant? (2 Nephi 20:25),” KnoWhy 408 (February 15, 2018).
Sharon Anderson, “What Wilt Thou Ask,” in Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 12.
Sharon Anderson, “Pomegranate Promises,” in Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 20.
Sharon Anderson, “Hearts of the Children,” in Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 29.
D&C 27:15–18
Book of Mormon Central, “What Does the Book of Mormon Say about the Armor of God? (2 Nephi 1:23),” KnoWhy 378 (November 2, 2017).
Book of Mormon Central, “What are the “Fiery Darts of the Adversary” Spoken of by Nephi? (1 Nephi 15:24),” KnoWhy 18 (January 25, 2016).
Sharon Anderson, “Turning,” in Glory of the Son (Orem, UT: Time-Lines Etc., 2019), 85.
Doctrine and Covenants 28
Steven C. Harper, “Section 28,” Doctrine and Covenants Contexts (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021), 58–59.
Susan Easton Black, “Hiram Page,” Restoration Voices Volume 1: People of the Doctrine and Covenants (Springville, UT: Book of Mormon Central, 2021).
Richard Dilworth Rust, “A Mission to the Lamanites,” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
Jeffrey G. Cannon, “All Things Must Be Done in Order,” Revelations in Context: The Stories Behind the Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2016.
“Come Life or Come Death,” Saints, Volume 1: The Standard of Truth (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2018), 1:97–98.
Grant Underwood, “The ‘Same’ Organization That Existed in the Primitive Church,” in Go Ye into All the World: Messages of the New Testament Apostles, 31st Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2002), 167–186.
Book of Mormon Central, “How Can People Today Avoid Being Destroyed Like the Nephites Were? (Helaman 13:5–6),” KnoWhy 327 (June 16, 2017).
D&C 28:8–9
Book of Mormon Central, “Who Are the Lamanites? (2 Nephi 5:14),” KnoWhy 486 (November 20, 2018).